Virgin most faithful . . .

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Mary is loyal, true to her word and promises.  She is  reliable and can be trusted.  She is devoted, and always available as a true friend in spite of our wayward choices. She protects us from ourselves, calls us back with her loving guidance, and opens the door of love to us in spite of ourselves.  She is constant in her love to protect us and leads us to be the best we can be.  Mary draws us closer to her Son so he may be known to all - all for the greater glory of God.

All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all came through Mary. (1)  St. Antonius

Live in Mary with a child-like simplicity that is neither concerned over present things nor those of the future, but place yourself under her protection in everything. (2)  St. Bernard-abbot of Clairvaux

What a day of joy that will be for you, when Mary the mother of our lord, accompanied by the choirs of virgins, will come to meet you.
  (3)  St. Jerome

Just as the devil always goes in search for someone to devour, so Mary is always looking for someone she can help in any way.
  (4)  St. Leo the Great, pope

Every gift, every grace, every good that we have and that we receive continually, we receive through Mary.  If Mary did not exist, neither would we, nor would the world. (5)  St. Laurence of Brindisi

God wants everyone, everyone, to learn this truth from childhood on; that he who trusts in Mary, that he who relies on Mary will never be abandoned either in this world or in the next. (6)  St. Laurence of Brindisi

A true devotee of Mary will not only be saved, but also, through Mary’s intercession, will become a great saint and will increase in holiness every day. (7)  St. Vincent Pallotti

Let us bind ourselves tightly to the Sorrowful Heart of our Heavenly Mother and reflect on its boundless grief and how precious is our soul.   (8)  St. Padre Pio

Love our Lady.  And she will obtain abundant grace to help you conquer in your daily struggle. (9)  St. Josemaria Escriva

Have confidence.  Return.  Invoke our Lady and you’ll be faithful. (10)  St. Josemaria Escriva

So your strength is failing you?  Why don’t you tell your mother about it? . . .  Mother! Call her with a loud voice.  She is listening to you; she sees you in danger, perhaps, and she – your holy mother Mary – offers you, along with the grace of her son, the refuge of her arms, the tenderness of her embrace .. . .  and you will find yourself with added strength for the new battle.  (11)  St. Josemaria Escriva

All the sins of your life seem to be rising up against you.  Don’t give up hope!  On the contrary, call your holy mother Mary, with the faith and abandonment of a child.  She will bring peace to your soul.  (12)  St. Josemaria Escriva

The heart of Mary is so filled with compassion for poor sinners, that she no sooner sees our miseries than she pours her tender mercies upon us.  Nor is it possible for this gracious Queen to behold the want of any soul without immediately assisting it. (13)  Richard of St. Victor

In Jerusalem when Christ, riding a little donkey, is proclaimed king, we don't catch a glimpse of Mary.  But after all have fled, she reappears next to the cross.  This way of acting bespeaks personal greatness and depth, the sanctity of her soul. (14)  St. Josemaria Escriva

I already know, and I trust I shall never forget, that I am worth nothing.  My smallness and my loneliness weigh upon me so much!  But . . . I am not alone.  You, Sweet Lady, and my Father God will never leave me. (15)  St. Josemaria Escriva

Let all, with humble prayer and requests, implore of God, through the intercession of Mary . . . We know, indeed, from experience that such prayer, born of charity and trust in the Virgin, has never been vain. (16)  St. Pius X, pope

While the prayers of those in heaven have, it is true, some claim on God's watchful eye, the prayers of Mary place their assurance in a mother's right.  For that reason, when she commands. (17)  Pius VII, pope

Think over the story of your own lives.  Do you not notice in them a pattern of the graces received from God?  You are then able to add the thought, 'Mary took a part in the granting of such graces.'  Flowers bloomed and fruits ripened in my life, thanks to the warming influence of the woman who is 'bright as the sun.' (18)  Pius XII, pope

So that God may more eagerly hear our prayers and supplication, let us lift our eyes and hands to the Blessed Mother Mary, immaculate virgin.  We could not find a more powerful protectress or one more irresistible before God. (19)  Pius IX, pope

Mary is for us the best of mothers, our safest confidante and in fact the very motive of our hope; she obtains all she asks for and her prayer is always heard. (20)  Pius IX, pope

Because Eve, contrary to the assurance she had received from God, believed the serpent, she brought death into the world; but our Queen, because she believed the angel when he said that she, remaining a virgin, would become the mother of God, brought salvation into the world. (21)  Tertullian

The evil done by Eve's incredulity was remedied by Mary's faith. (22)  St. Ireneus

When Mary consented to the Incarnation of the Eternal Word, by means of her faith she opened heaven to men. (23)  St. Augustine

Mary exercised perfect faith; for even when the disciples were doubting she did not doubt. (24)  St. Albert the Great

The Blessed Virgin lived very differently from those who do not live in accordance with what they believe, and whose faith is dead.
(25)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Let us ask the most holy Virgin, by the merit of her faith, to obtain us a lively faith. "O Lady, increase our faith."
(26)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

As Eve, by her disobedience, caused her own death and that of the whole human race, so did the Virgin Mary, by her obedience, become the cause of her own salvation and of that of all mankind. (27)  St. Ireneus

Because Mary was free from original sin, she found no obstacle in obeying God; she was like a wheel, which was easily turned by every inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Mary's only object in this world was to keep her eyes constantly fixed on God, to discover his will, and, when she had found out what he required, to perform it. (28)  St. Bernardine

Sweet Queen and Mother, intercede with Jesus for us; by the merit of your obedience obtain that we may be faithful in obeying his will and the commands of our spiritual Fathers. (29)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

O that we were as faithful to serve this divine Mother as she is faithful to relieve us when we pray to her!  Mary promises that all who serve and honor her shall be free from sin and obtain eternal life. (30)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Mary invites all to have recourse to her, and promises them every grace that they desire: in me is all grace of the way and of the truth; in me is all hope of life and of virtue; come over to me, all ye that desire me. (31)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Mary binds her servants, that they may not give themselves too much liberty, which would cause their ruin. (32)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

O Mother of God, in you do I place all my confidence; you must preserve me from falling any more into sin.  My Lady, abandon me not, obtain me the grace rather to die than to lose the grace of God. (33)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

The will to save us cannot be wanting, for Mary is our Mother, and desires our salvation more than we can desire it ourselves.
(34)  St. Bernard

He who is devout to the Virgin Mother will certainly never be lost. (35)  St. Ignatius

Your lovers, O Lady, enjoy peace in this life, and will never see eternal death. (36)  St. Bonaventure

O Mary, you are merciful with the miserable, compassionate toward those who pray to you, sweet toward those who love you; merciful with the penitent, compassionate to those who advance, sweet to the perfect.  You show yourself merciful in delivering us from chastisement, compassionate in bestowing graces, and sweet in giving yourself to those who seek you. (37)  St. Bonaventure

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